All-Gender Cabin Option & Gender Equity Inclusion Policy

All-Gender Cabin Option for Campers


Evans Lake is introducing some “all-gender cabins” throughout our summer camp programs.  We are doing this to provide welcoming spaces for gender diverse campers, staff, and campers whose families prefer or are open to an all-gender cabin.  We will also have Boy and Girl cabins. Campers who are trans are welcomed into the cabin best suited to them. As we strive to create a fun environment for everyone to explore forests, taking this next step to better include all members of our community was a natural fit. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you have to be gender diverse (e.g. Two-spirit, gender non-binary, or gender creative) to join an all-gender cabin?

A: No. All campers are welcome!  As part of your registration, you have the opportunity to select your cabin preference (All-gender, Girls, or Boys).  There also is a place for you to indicate if you would be willing to be contacted prior to camp about shifting to another cabin type (e.g. You selected “Boys” but would be happy to move to “All-Gender”). 

Q: Will Evans Lake still be offering cabins for boys and girls, as well as some all-gender cabins?

A: Yes.  Most of our cabins will still be set aside as boys’ and girls’ cabins.  As was the case before, campers who are trans are welcomed into the cabin best suited to them.

Q: How will supervision be handled in an all-gender cabin?

A: Like in other cabins, our supervision plan is based on the expectations in our Camper Code of Conduct.  You’ll find that Code of Conduct in the Orientation Packages shared with families before camp.  Further, this Code is reviewed with campers on the first day of camp alongside their leaders and a senior camp staff member.  In our training, staff review and practice our camper support strategies. Those include identifying and resolving bullying and harassment, and building a positive cabin atmosphere.

Q: How will changing be handled in an all-gender cabin?

A: We encourage campers in all cabins to find a discreet place to change.  Campers sometimes choose to change in the closest washroom or in their own sleeping bags.  The all-gender cabins will also be fitted with a curtained-off individual changing area.

Q: What are the options for washrooms?

A: At Evans Lake, the washrooms are not located in the cabins but are just a short walk from each cabin.  Campers will be told where single-stall washrooms are if that is there preference.  As was the case before, campers who are trans and gender diverse are welcomed into the washroom best suited to them.

Note: For a good quality experience, all of our camp programs and cabins require a minimum number of campers to run.  If the registration for any accommodation type is very low, we will reach out to all registered families in advance of the camp to advise them of the low registration and offer them alternative options.

Gender Equity & Inclusion Policy


The Evans Lake Forest Education Society is proud to uphold human rights, values the inclusion of all members of our community and strives to create a safe and fun environment for everyone to explore forests.

We aim to create a welcoming environment irrespective of someone’s real or perceived sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions, in particular but not limited to lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, Two-Spirit, queer, and those who are questioning (LGBTTQ+). As an organization that recognizes everyone’s inherent uniqueness and value, we have a responsibility to create as safe a space as possible for our community.

We recognize that aspects of our infrastructure do emphasize gender binaries (such as gendered washrooms and cabins), but we pledge to accommodate people on a case-by-case basis as a solution that works for one may not work for another. As communities and people change, so too will terms and definitions.


Evans Lake is committed to:

* Self-identification and determination: an individual is the authority on their own gender;

* Confidentiality: that it is protected and respected;

* Encourage open communication with anyone who requires accommodation to ensure the best experience possible;

* Define appropriate language and behaviour expectations prior to arrival at camp through our orientation materials, and once campers arrive at camp in our first day orientation;

* Ensuring that our site infrastructure is welcoming and aligns wherever possible with this policy; and

* Ensure that our staff team has appropriate training that aligns with our policies and the needs of our community.

This policy applies to all members of the Evans Lake community including, but not limited to, campers, staff, volunteers, board members, contractors, parents, guests and all other persons who are invited to or who work on Evans Lake property. This policy also applies to harassment which may take place outside of Evans Lake property but which has the effect of or results in adversely affecting Evans Lake’s camp environment.


