Evans Lake Hosts the Forest Education Symposium for Teachers (Oct 21, 2011)

On the October 21st, 2011 Provincial Pro-D Day, Evans Lake will be hosting the Forest Education Symposium for Teachers at the Evans Lake Forest Education Centre in Squamish. The Forest Education Symposium for Teachers (FEST) will educate teachers and administrators on creating or enriching forest education programs at their schools.  Attendees will receive a program package of educational resources with suggested activities and locations; a chart linking the activities to Prescribed Learning Outcomes (PLO’s), lunch and return transportation from Vancouver.

The one-day symposium will include a workshop, demonstrations of forest education modules, a roundtable  about forest management, and an introduction of the Western Canada SFI Certification Implementation Committee.

While the content primarily focuses on Grades 6-8, the activities can be easily modified to suit other ages and ability levels.


Please check out our online registration page for more information and to get registered!


Download the Forest Education Symposium for Teachers poster here!

The Forest Education Symposium for Teachers (FEST) was made possible through Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) Community Outreach and Forest Education Grant.


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