2023 Annual General Meeting Notice, May 11

Notice is hereby given that the 2023 Annual General Meeting will convene at 8:00 PM on Thursday, the 11th day of May, online via Zoom. 

Voting Members
Only members defined in the by-laws as “voting Members” and are eligible to vote at the AGM. Purchase your membership online, before April 10, 2023, to vote at this year’s meeting. Members must be in good standing and present at the meeting to vote. Voting by proxy is not permitted.

Nominations to the Board of Directors
Nomination to the Board of Directors is now open. Those who have applied will be contacted by our board executive about your application.

If you are interested in joining our board, please review the volunteer position posting found on our website. Please send your resume and cover letter to bod@evanslake.com.

If you are not ready to run for the board, please consider getting involved in one of the Evans Lake committees: REDI (Reconciliation, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion), Capital Projects (including fundraising), Strategic Plan, Financial Advisement, Alumni Relations and the Friends of Evans Lake. This is a perfect way to get involved in the Evans Lake community and contribute to your favorite camp. To apply to join a committee, please click here.

Annual General Meeting Agenda

  1. Adoption of rules of order
  2. Consideration of the financial statements
  3. Report of the Directors
  4. Election of Directors
  5. Appointment of the auditor, if required
  6. Other business that, under these By-laws, ought to be transacted at an annual general meeting, or business which is brought under consideration by the report of the Directors issued with the notice convening the meeting.

Click Here To Register to Attend Our AGM

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