2022 Summer Camp Programs

Upcoming Registration Dates

We are very excited to operate our Overnight Summer Camp in 2022, alongside our Day Camp program. Mark your calendars! Registration for summer programs open on the following dates:

  • Summer Overnight Camp- February 07 at 9:00 AM
  • Summer Day Camp- February 07 at 9:00 AM
  • Summer Family Weekends- March 01 at 9:00 AM
(Link goes live on the noted dates)
(Link goes live on the noted dates)


Unfortunately, our Spring Leadership Camp has been postponed to a future date. We apologize to any campers and families who were looking forward to this program.

New For 2022- All-Gender Cabin Option

Evans Lake is introducing “all-gender cabins” for our 2022 Overnight Summer Camp program.  We are doing this to provide welcoming spaces for gender diverse campers, staff, and campers whose families prefer or are open to an all-gender cabin.  We will also have Boy and Girl cabins available. As we strive to create a fun environment for everyone to explore forests, taking this next step to better include all members of our community was a natural fit. 
As with all programs and for a good quality experience, all of our cabins require a minimum number of campers.  If the registration for any cabin type is very low, we will reach out to all registered families in advance of the camp to advise them of the low registration and offer alternate options.

Visit this page for more information, including FAQ’s and our Gender Equity & Inclusion Policy.


We are collecting community feedback for our strategic planning that begins in early 2022.  Your voice matters to us. This survey will help us understand the needs of the Evans Lake community and will help guide the next 5 years of our work and the experience of guests on site.

Evans Lake is a community-driven forest education experience—so many of the ideas and activities that make us who we are have come from guests, our staff team, and their friends and families.

We will be putting together a summary of the feedback and sharing it with you all sometime prior to our 2022 Summer Camps.  We can’t wait for you to hear what others have shared!

Whether you’re sharing support, an idea that will challenge us, or offering your re-think on what “forest education” means to you, we’re here for all of it.  Thank you in advance for taking time to complete this survey!

Here’s the link to the Evans Lake Community Feedback.

Please fill out this survey by February 14. 


All camp programs will follow Evans Lake’s comprehensive COVID-19 Safety Plan. We will be updating this plan over the next few months, as guidelines shift. This plan includes frequent hand washing, sanitization, a face mask policy, physical distancing, daily health screening, and flexible cancellation policies for campers who may become ill.  At this time, the vaccination requirement for campers is still being considered. Public Health has not yet declared whether vaccines will be required for campers in order to attend overnight camp programs.  When this information is released, Evans Lake will make an informed decision, develop a policy and communicate it to all families.  We will allow for flexible cancellations/refunds if the policy does not align with your personal choice or the advice of your doctor. Thank you for your patience as we work through this process. For more information, please click here.

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