2018 Friends of Evans Lake Rock- Nominations Open

Please send us your nomination for the Friends of Evans Lake Rock, by April 1st, 2016.

For more information about the Rock, ‘click here’

To nominate, ‘click here’

  1. The Nomination period would run from July 1 – April 1.
  2. The Committee will accept nominations up to a maximum of four candidates for any given year
  3. The Nomination form will be available to the membership on the website by July1 for that year. Only current members in good standing can nominate a candidate.
  4. Nomination forms to be returned to the Committee by April 1 ( e-mail, fax, or post)
  5. The Committee will review the Nominees by April 30 and present their choices to the Board of Directors for their consideration.
  6. The inauguration of the new members onto the Dave Campbell “Friends of Evans Lake” Rock would occur annually at the Open House at Evans Lake.
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