2017 Summer Camp Registration Opens January 02

We want to see your children at camp this summer, so we encourage you to register early for the following reasons:
  1. You can ensure your child gets a spot. The past two summers we have sold out!
  2. If you register by March 15, you can take advantage of our early bird discount of $50 off.
  3. Give yourself piece of mind and take this off your ‘to-do’ list.
New to Summer Camp 2017: Class 1 & 2 River Float
Youth Campers ages 8-12 have a new adventure activity to experience during their week at camp. This optional activity begins with a full safety orientation and gear-fitting conducted by experienced guides. Once on the raft the campers travel down a gentle and fun, scenic river which features small splashy rapids, showing campers the Cheakamus River like they’ve never seen it before! New to Evans Lake in 2017
  • We have replaced the 2 summer shelters behind cabin 1 & 4 with a new permanent, cabin duplex.
  • We are finalizing the construction of 2 new washrooms in the lower grounds. No more trips up to the cabins when nature calls during dinner!
  • We will be adding 4-6 new paddle-boards to our fleet as this has been a very popular water sport activity.



Youth Camp (Ages 8- 12)
July 09 – 14July 23 – 28July 30 – August 04August 21 – 26
Junior Teen Camp (Ages 10- 14)
July 02 – 08July 15 – 21August 14 – 20
Teen Camp (Ages 13- 16)
August 06 – 12
OAK Outdoor Adventure Kamp (Ages 13- 16)
Paddle Trip, July 15 – 21
Bike Trip, August 06 – 12
Hike & White Water Rafting Trip,  August 14 – 20
Leadership Camps (Ages 14- 16)
A) Leadership Interpersonal Skills, July 09 – 14July 30 – August 04
B) Leadership Team-Building Skills, July 23 – 28August 21 – 26


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