2017 Annual General Meeting

Notice is hearby given that the Annuarl General Meeting will be held at 3:00 PM on Saturday, the 1st day of April, 2017,  at the Evans Lake Forest Education Centre in Squamish, BC. 

Voting Members
Only members defined in the by-laws as “voting Members” and are eligible to vote at the AGM. Members must be in good standing and present at the meeting to vote. Voting by proxy is not permitted.

Nominations to the Board of Directors
This is a call for Nominations to the Board of Directors.  Nominations can be forwarded to bod@evanslake.com.  Please include your name, position(s) you are applying for, and a brief history of your qualifications, including why you are interested in serving on the Board of the Evans Lake Forest Education Society.

Officers of the Board are President, Past President, Secretary and Treasurer.  The Officers shall serve for a term of one year.  If no person elected, the person previously appointed continues to hold office.

Any individual who desires to be a candidate for a vacancy on the Board must:

a.   Be an active member in good standing
b.   Be 18 years of older
c.   Not have the status of being bankrupt and
d.   Submit a nomination letter that declares the intention to run for an Officer position and/or a Director position and that provides a brief summary outlining their experience and why they want to become a member of the Board. Nominees who are running for positions that are not acclaimed will have the opportunity to speak to their qualifications and interest in each position (2 minutes) they are running for at the Annual General Meeting.
e.    Note that if a nominee is unable to be in attendance at the Annual General Meeting, they then must ensure that they have a proxy for the specific Officer or Director position that they are running for. This proxy letter must be received by the Board, bod@evanslake.com, 48 hours prior to the Annual General Meeting.
Note: Candidates may be nominated for more than one position but can only fill one if elected or acclaimed. The election of Executives and Members at Large will be held in the order they appear on the nomination form. 


Nominations from the Floor
A call for nominations from the floor may be made at the discretion of the President.

Positions Up for Election:

  1. President
  2. Secretary
  3. Treasurer
  4. Director – At Large
  5. Director – At Large
  6. Director – At Large
  7. Director – At Large
  8. Director – At-Large

 The role of past president, will be filled by a board member who has been president in the past.

If you aren’t ready to run for the board, consider getting involved in one of the Evans Lake committees: Fundraising, Alumnae Relations and the Friends of Evans Lake. This is a perfect way to get involved in the Evans Lake community and contribute to your favorite camp.

Annual General Meeting Agenda
  1. Adoption of rules of order
  2. Consideration of the financial statements
  3. Report of the Directors
  4. Election of Directors
  5. Appointment of the auditor, if required
  6. Other business that, under these By-laws, ought to be transacted at an annual general meeting, or business which is brought under consideration by the report of the Directors issued with the notice convening the meeting.
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